Waalaxy, the best alternative to Zopto

You want to automate your presence on LinkedIn and have heard about Zopto? We offer you here, an analysis of the tool and an alternative. 👈

Zopto or how to blow your budget for a tool

First brake, Zopto is a paying software, and not only a little! And forget the test version, there is none!

Zopto justifies such a price because they take into account the dedicated support, “offered to each customer”. ( 😧 )

With us, we don’t charge you an extra service to access Waalaxy Customer Support.

Zopto To discover the tool, you must create an account. What is the point of making an automation software, if its process itself is not efficient? 🤨

The freetrial is not available, really a shame. At Waalaxy, we consider that 7 days with the maximum of features is the ideal test period to know if a tool fits your expectations or not. Without that, it’s hard to make up your mind… (and we will renew your test if you ask)

Finally, you will have to use LinkedIn Premium or Sales Navigator to filter your prospects. To reassure you, Zopto promises to filter by location, domain, job title or number of followers to finally be able to send connection requests, messages or profile visits.

So you have to pay for a Sales Nav or a LinkedIn premium. The bill starts to get high. By the way, a little tip from the #WaalaxyTeam here’s how to get the sales navigator for free. 😜

Waalaxy, the best alternative to Zopto

Unlike Zopto, Waalaxy is a largely affordable tool offering comprehensive features to do multi-channel prospecting. On top of that, you are offered a 7-day trial period without registration and credit card. 😇

But that’s not it. 😱

We have a free version. FOR LIFE. 🥰😍

See Waalaxy’s pricing! + A Free option. 🎁

The strong point of our tool is the functionality of Linkedin action campaigns.

In a few words, the campaign feature will allow you to create action sequences similar to transactional emails, while adding “If my prospect…then” conditions: you thus get much higher open and conversion rates. 🔥 The campaign allows you to send all types of actions on LinkedIn and by email, with all possible and unimaginable conditions.

You decide, about everything. 😜

Absolutely, all your actions can be monitored and measured from the sales dashboard. You have access to your dashboard gathering your performance, your pending invitations, the number of views of your last post…

Zopto also offers a dashboard with statistics.

Waalaxy pricing

Waalaxy subscription starts at $0 per month. 👀






Without Inbox

With Inbox



For multi-channel automated prospecting


Start free trial

800 invitations per month

emails finder credits


To scale your LinkedIn prospecting and fill quotas


Start free trial

800 invitations per month

emails finder credits

Most popular!


To start automating LinkedIn prospecting


Start free trial

300 invitations per month

emails finder credits


For every beginner in linkedin outreach

0 €/month

Start for free

80 invitations per month
emails finder credits

Get your first customers this week

Take advantage of the power of Waalaxy to generate leads every day. Start prospecting for free, today.

waalaxy dashboard

Zopto is a secure tool

Zopto’s main argument is that their tool is secure because it is in the cloud.

Zopto has recently implemented a solution to bypass LinkedIn’s limitations, thanks to an email enrichment and InMail sending feature. Zopto imposes limits on the number of shares you can send per day and deletes your pending invitations to avoid any red flags from Linkeidn.

At Waalaxy, your account security is our number one priority. We are the first users of our tools, and the last thing we want is to have our accounts banned.

How do we secure? With our algorithm that simulates human behaviour and, via out bypass solution. We don’t change your location, your actions are sent from the same place, and we don’t change LinkedIn’s code.

So Zopto offers some of the same features as Waalaxy, but for a minimum of $215 per month, compared to Waalaxy’s.


If you want to discuss this, we respond within seconds on our customer support. 😍

Now you know you should avoid Zopto and prefer Waalaxy! 🚀

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