Waalaxy and NOCRM.io synchronization (via Zapier)

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Surely you must have read the article where I tell you about the synchronization between Waalaxy and Zapier, if you haven’t, but what are you waiting for? 😬 This process allows you to be able to connect Waalaxy to any CRM to extract, and process, the data retrieved by Waalaxy. Here, I am talking about NOCRM.io. It’s an amazing sales prospecting and follow-up software made for your sales team.

What is Zapier ?

A little reminder never hurts ! Zapier is a tool that allows you to connect all your applications together via Zaps.

Native synchronization: Waalaxy x NOCRM.io

It is now possible to natively synchronize Waalaxy x NOCRM.io. ✨

You can follow up this guide to set up the native synchronization between Waalaxy and NOCRM.io.

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You can click on the pre-formatted link below for Waalaxy x NoCRM synchronization.

You can also, follow the tuto below. (only for challengeers 👀)

➡️ Waalaxy x NoCRM Zap link

How to set up synchronization with NOCRM.io ?

0. Prerequisites

You need at least the Sales Expert version of NOCRM.io to be able to access their API, which will be necessary for the synchronization with Zapier. You can see the features included in each subscription here.

1. Webhook by Zapier

About Zapier:

  • Click on “Make a Zap”,
  • Select “Webhook by Zapier” and “Catch Hook”,
  • Copy the URL given by Zapier and press “Continue”.

2. Create the campaign on Waalaxy

On Waalaxy:

  • Click on “Create a campaign”,
  • Select “Zapier Integration” and choose the sequence you like,
  • In the “Webhook” part, paste the URL given previously.

  • Add the leads. You have two options, either you select leads from a list (formerly called “campaigns” on Prospectin) or you choose “Auto-import” which corresponds to the old “triggers”.
  • Launch your campaign after having filled in all the other fields.

3. Data formatting

  • Click on “Format” and select “Text”,
  • Click on “Split Text” and fill in the data:

The input is the value you want to retrieve, you can select “Email” The separator allows you to differentiate the data, select “; ” The Segment Index must be All ( as Line-Items )

  • Click on “Continue”

Do the same for all the data you want to retrieve: Last Name, First Name, Position, Company Name, Phone Number, Region, LinkedIn URL and so on.

4. Create a new line on Google Sheets

  • Click on the small “+” and select “Google Sheets”,
  • Select “Creat Spreadsheet Row(s)” and do “Continue”,
  • Choose your associated account, the name of the Drive, and the text sheet,
  • Fill in all the previously formatted data,
  • Do “Test & Continue”.

On Google Sheets, this is what it will look like:

5. Define the output action to NOCRM.io

  • Click on the small “+” and select “NoCRM.io”,
  • Select “Create a Lead” and do “Continue”,
  • Select your account by clicking on “Sign In”.

A window will open, you will have to fill in your account name and the API Key.

To get the API Key, go to NOCRM.io, click on “Administration Panel” and “Webhooks & API”. Create an API Key.

Now that your account is set up, let’s move on to the “Action Set-Up”,

  • Click on “Title” and fill in the “First Name” and “Last Name” by selecting the Google Sheet variables.

  • In “Description”, write “First Name” and next to it fill in the “First Name” variable; do the same for the Last Name, and the Email:

  • You can fill in the “User Email” if you want, this is to assign to one of your collaborators the opportunity created, it is optional.
  • You can put a Tag to identify where the opportunity comes from for example.
  • Click on “Continue” and “Test Action”
  • Click on “Turn On Zap”.

Go to NOCRM.io, in “Dashboard”, your lead has been created:

See you! 💃

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