Is there a search limit on LinkedIn?

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It is possible to search for people on LinkedIn but there are a few rules to follow. For example, the number of searches allowed on LinkedIn is limited and this quota is calculated according to your activity on this social network. This allowed number is reset to zero each month. Discover how to pass the search limit on LinkedIn.

This limit does not include the number of 1st level searches, i.e. those already present in your network. Searching for a job offer is also not taken into account. This limitation makes it possible to know if you are using LinkedIn for recruitment or lead generation.

The elements taken into account as recruitment habits are :

  • the search for employees from companies that are not part of your network,
  • the search for persons considered to be third degree.
  • the fact of consulting profiles via the category “people who have consulted this profile, have also consulted…” available on the right of a member profile.

How do I know that the allowed search quota has been reached?

It is impossible to know the exact number of searches or views left on LinkedIn. In fact, you cannot change the limit on request. A notification is sent to you when the authorized search limit is close to being reached. It is strongly recommended that you reduce your search activity on this social network while waiting for the monthly reset.

However, searching for a job offer or by name via the “search” function available from the home page does not count towards this limit.

To take advantage of more searches allowed, you will need to upgrade to a Premium account.  Please note that Premium profiles such as “Career” or “Business” are also subject to the limit for commercial use.

However, if you decide to cancel your Premium Membership, you will be notified of the applicable basic limit. Your search limit will not be reset.

You can discover our tips for using the sales navigator for free and pass the search limit on LinkedIn.

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