Synchronization of Waalaxy and Brevo (ex-Sendinblue) (via Zapier)

Sendinblue is a SaaS tool, an email marketing platform designed to ensure the communication and growth needs of businesses. It’s a tool more dedicated to SMBs than to big boxes. 🚀 If you use this tool, you will be happy to know that it is possible to synchronize Waalaxy and Sendinblue very easily via Zapier.

We explain all about this automation here! 😁

What does Sendinblue allow you to do?

In a few words, here’s what you can do:

  • Design welcome messages: automate a welcome email when subscribing to an email list. Handy to address visitors “logged in” to your site and allows personalization of your messages. 👋
  • Birthday messages: send mailings for a special event, such as a customer’s birthday, to build loyalty. This is a classic type of personalized mailing, but it still works very well in terms of marketing strategy! 🥳
  • Page visit: send an email after a visitor has visited this or that page. This type of email gives you endless possibilities in terms of marketing automation. 🌌
  • Website event: send an email with a regular newsletter after the visitor has done a previously defined action on the website. 🤗
  • Product purchase: sending transactional emails after a purchase can increase its open rate. 💰
  • Marketing activity: send an email according to the marketing actions in your emailing solution. This scenario allows you to create complex mailing campaigns and precisely manage your marketing pressure. 📩
  • Abandoned cart: a great classic, this scenario allows you to address the visitor who abandoned his cart. 🛒

Do I need a paid subscription to create Zapier Webhooks?

No. You will need a paid subscription to Zapier, or the trial version to be able to create Webhooks.

➡️ Zapier pricing

You will also need a paid subscription, Advanced or Business on Waalaxy to create Webhooks.

➡️ Waalaxy Pricing

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Take advantage of the power of Waalaxy to generate leads every day. Start prospecting for free, today.

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I’ve prepared the Zaps for you that you’ll just have to copy / paste into your browser to automatically resume the pre-completed Zap.

So happy?

➡️ Zap Synchronization Waalaxy x Sendiblue

Waalaxy x Sendiblue Synchronization

Step 1. Go to Zapier

  • Click on “Create a Zap”,
  • Search for “Webhook by Zapier”,
  • Under “Event”, select “Catch Hook”,
  • Click “Continue” twice, skipping the “Pick off a Child Key” part,
  • Copy the webhook URL.

Step 2. Go to Waalaxy

  • Click on “Campaign” and “Create a campaign”,
  • Filter by the action “CRM Sync” to see all sequences that include this action,
  • Select the sequence,
  • Fill in the various fields (action, deadline, message content),

In the “CRM Sync” section :

  • Select the CRM that you are going to configure,
  • Paste the link of the Webhook previously copied,
  • Click on “Test”, then “Validate”,
  • Launch the campaign. 🚀


Step 3. Launch the Webhook

  • Go back to Zapier, and pick up where you left off.

Now that the campaign has been launched, you can “Validate the Webhook” on Zapier.


  • Click on “Continue”,

Step 4. Synchronise Sendiblue

  • Click on the small “+” and search for “Sendiblue”.
  • In “Event”, search for “Add or Update Contact” and click “Continue”.
  • Connect your Sendiblue account.
  • Fill in the different fields with the variables, for example, in “Email”: select the email from the variable:


Then you can fill in as many attributes as you want to synchronise.

  • Write the name of the variable, and in the field next to it, select the corresponding variable:


  • Test the action,
  • You should get a success message,
  • Click on “Publish the Zap”,


View on Sendiblue

Go to the “Contacts” tab and you will see the synchronised prospect:


Conclusion Waalaxy and Sendinblue

As you can see, Sendinblue is a pretty comprehensive marketing tool that allows you to do some pretty interesting things and can have a real impact in your segmentation strategy. 🎯

It’s a sending tool with a simple grip, a lot of usability and very complete to manage small teams and/or small structured. 🌳

Waalaxy and Sendinblue are two marketing tools that combine perfectly to optimize your B2b prospecting and loyalty campaigns. 🔥

To go further:

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