How can I use Waami AI to write my prospecting messages?

You’ve found your prospects. Well, first step validated. You’ve chosen your Waalaxy sequence. Second step validated. You’ve reached the message-writing stage. And now: panic 🤯. What do I say to my prospect to make him want to get in touch with me, and even more, to buy my product, my services?

Don’t panic, Waami AI is here!

The Waami AI? What on earth is that?

Waami AI is your friend with inspiration and the right words when you don’t have them.

In more technical terms, it’s our AI that helps you write messages. You give it 2–3 marbles, and it does the work for you, in the space of a few seconds. Magical, isn’t it?

Where to find the Waami AI?

The Waami AI is hidden next to the message window, right here:

Where can I find the Waami AI?

⚠️ To date, the Waami AI is only available for simple, linear sequences. For more complex sequences, with several branches (Thanos, Star Trek…), your best friend is not yet available. Nor is it if you go directly to the message template creation tool (Campaigns > Message Templates):

That said, there’s nothing to stop you from creating a “Message” campaign that you leave in draft form, asking the Waami AI to write a message for you, which you then copy and paste into your other sequence (the complex one, the one you want to launch).

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How do you feed the Waami AI to generate a message?

The Waami AI won’t be able to write a message if you don’t give it a few marbles to create the content that suits you, and the one that will help you best sell your products.

Language selection

The first step is to choose the language in which the Waami AI will generate your message. Five languages are available: English, French, Spanish, Italian and German.

Language IA Waami

⚠️ This is the generation language, but you can increment the information in the language of your choice. Example: you want to generate a message in German, but you can complete the information in French.


These are the people you want to reach. This is your persona. If you’ve followed the steps to launch a Waalaxy campaign, you should know who they are 😉.

Target AI Waami

Value proposition

Let’s move on to the value proposition. This describes the product or service you’re selling to your target audience. The more precise you are, the more precise the message generated by the Waami AI will be. Here, we’re selling time management software.

IA Waami value proposition

Differentiating factor

Define your differentiating factor. You’ll need to explain to your prospect why they should choose your product, and not the competition’s. Here, our time management software is designed to be easy to use, and the least expensive on the market.

Differentiating factor IA Waami

Call to action

A good prospecting message is nothing without a call to action. You’ve told your prospect about your product, and you’ve made them want to find out more. That’s fine. But that’s not enough to turn him into a customer. You need to give them something to do: a video, a call, a visit to your website…

Call to action IA Waami

Generate message

All that’s left to do is click on “Generate” and the magic will begin 🪄.

Generate message IA Waami

💡 Not satisfied with the proposal? Click again on “Generate” and you’ll get a new message proposal every time 👌.

Frequently asked questions – Waami AI

I want to generate a message in Italian, but I don’t speak the language. Can I feed Waami in French?

Yes, there’s no need to enter the required information in the language you’ve chosen for your message. If you fill in the fields in French, and select Italian, the message will be generated in Italian 👍.

I’ve chosen a Saturn sequence, but I can’t find the Waami AI, is this normal?

For the moment, Waami AI is only available for so-called linear sequences (e.g. Invitation + Message). However, there’s nothing to stop you opening a sequence from “Message”, and using it to generate a message by keeping it in drafts, without launching it. You can then copy and paste the Waami AI proposal 😎.

I don’t know which call to action to insert in my message

Not easy to know what to get your prospect to do 🤔. Schedule a call? Visit a website? Find our best tips in this article.

Does Waalaxy integrate AI for other functionalities?

Yes, to find prospects with just one click 🖱️. It’s the AI Prospect Finder.


No more difficulties in writing your prospecting message! By using Waami AI, you’re guaranteed to write high-impact messages that are sure to increase the number of potential customers for your products. See you soon for more tips 👽.


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You’ve found your prospects. Well, first step validated. You’ve chosen your Waalaxy sequence. Second step validated. You’ve reached the message-writing


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